Guiding Principles
At Takeout 25, we are driven by our values and mission to enable sustainable local food systems and supply chains — a community-driven approach.
Our Values:
Community Focus
By supporting food businesses, Takeout 25 will:
Build community that supports
the local economy.
Ensure no one goes to bed hungry by conveniently and creatively reducing food waste and addressing food needs.
Ensure that more than 25% of local restaurant food is locally sourced and 100% is sustainably managed.
Evolution of Takeout 25
The Vision
Ravi Parakkat, Founder and CEO, discusses the vision for Takeout 25’s evolution with SAGE publications for a business school case study on Social Entrepreneurship featuring Takeout 25, created by University of Virginia – Frank Batten School of Public policy and Leadership.
Join us in our mission as a participant, partner or sponsor.
“Takeout 25 has not only connected the community, it held us together. The feeling we get when supporting out local restaurants and sharing our likes and recommendations has brought so many of us closer together and led us to new and wonderful culinary experiences.“
— Kim Frost (Community Member)